07/05/2014 TPA ITALIA - Made in Italy and the new EAC certification
24 April 2014 |
The conference "Made in Italy and exports to Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan: how the Gost certification turned into the EAC certification" will be held on May 7, 2014 at the fair "TPA ITALY 2014 in Milan Rho". The event is sponsored by ASSOFLUID and FEDERMACCHINE. The presentations will be made by the head of the department of technical regulation and conformity assessment of the All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for Certification of Gosstandard as well as by the responsible for the GOST certification in Italy at Rustandard Ltd.
The conference will focus on the recent developments that have affected the certification rules for equipment, machines, systems, components, etc., exported to the Customs union formed by Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
At the end of the workshop there will be an open discussion where participants can ask questions on any specific area of interest.
TPA ITALIA (Fiera Milano – Rho) 07/05/2014 – 10.30 Padiglione 7 – Spazio Leonardo Strada Statale 33 del Sempione, 28 20145 Rho Milano Tel. 02 49971 www.fieramilano.it