What is the GOST R certificate and when it is required?
The GOST certificate is the abbreviation of Gosstandard i.e. National Standard, a document attesting that a product conforms to Russian national standards (GOST R, GOST EN, GOST R IEC, GOST R ISO, ecc.). It may be obligatory or voluntary. The obligatory certificate is required in order to import and sell products in the Russian Federation. The voluntary certificate is intended to promote product and/or producer on the market in terms of sales and marketing.
The Russian law on certification divides the majority of goods in three categories:
• goods subject to mandatory certification  • goods subject to declaration of conformity • goods not subject to compliance certification
To import some products from the above mentioned categories further certificates might be required:
• Customs Union hygienic registration certificate • Medical equipment registration certificate • Ozone layer protection certificate • Fire safety certificate • Other certificates
These certificates are issued by public authorities or by private organizations authorized by the government through the accreditation system. The Gost R certification system is focused mainly on certification of the final product (not on the production process), so for each item you want to sell, you must obtain the certificates mentioned above.
Origin of the Gost R certification system
In the 1992 after the end for the URSS the legal system of the Russian Federation has been integrated with the the Law on Protection of Customer Rights (Law no. 2300-1 of 07 February 1992). It established the right of the consumer to have the safe and adequate quality products available on the market, besides the right to the information of the features of the purchased product. In order to comply with the mentioned Law, the Federal Agency on Techical Regulating and Metrology, and the Russian Customs Commitee (GTK) have formulated a list of imported products that fall under the protection provided by the 1992 Law. Thus originated the Gost Standard certification, known as a Gost.